Do you want to get pregnant? Do you suspect that you are pregnant?
In the following lines you will find a list of the earliest symptoms of pregnancy. They appear in the week before the expected cycle. The reason they are is that your body begins to produce significantly more estrogen and progesterone from conception to ensure the changes in your body and the development of the baby.
So if you have any of the following experiences and you are no longer waiting, you can take a pregnancy test or visit your gynecologist.
Your breasts may become tense in the first weeks after conception. Due to hormonal changes, the breasts retain more fluid and you feel heavier, sensitive and painful.
Abdominal cramps and low back pain may be similar to those you get before the regular cycle. But in this case, the reason they appear is in the growth of the uterus, which is preparing to enlarge enough to become a cozy home for the baby.
If you notice that your cycle is shorter and different than usual, it may not be menstruation, but pregnancy. In the second week after conception, slight vaginal bleeding may occur, which is caused by the implantation of the fertilized egg in the lining of the uterus. It is harmless, but if you suspect that you are pregnant, you can consult your gynecologist just in case.
From the first days after conception, your body begins to change rapidly, even if you still do not notice it. Your heart pumps faster to deliver more oxygen to the uterus. The extra amount of progesterone slightly raises your body temperature, which further exhausts the body. These processes really consume a lot of your energy. That is why it is normal to get tired much faster even than the usual daily activities.
Of course, the increased need for energy leads to hunger. Well, it's too early for the famous pickles, but it's no wonder you're able to happily swallow a double sandwich and eat carbs. The more and more often, the better.
During pregnancy, the amount of the hormone melanocyte, which is responsible for the production of pigments in the skin, also increases. This can be seen quite quickly on the nipples, which often begin to darken in the first weeks after conception.
Of course, you've heard of morning sickness in pregnant women. In some cases, it starts from the first days, especially during the flight, when driving and reading in a car, from a strong smell of food or perfume.
It is very possible that soon after conception you will not be able to button up your favorite tight jeans because your belly is swollen. Of course, a similar effect occurs in the last days before the onset of the cycle, but this time the cause may be in pregnancy.
Enlargement of the uterus can squeeze the bladder a little more from the beginning and lead you to the toilet more often. In addition, significantly more blood passes through your kidneys, which has the same effect. But everything is fine if urination is not accompanied by burning or other signs of infection. Make sure you drink more water.
As the volume of blood in your body increases, this can lead to a mild headache. It can occur quite often. But in some cases, the headache means that the fluids you take are not enough, because during pregnancy you will need really larger amounts. The good news is that as the pregnancy progresses, this side effect will decrease significantly.
This problem is quite unpleasant and unfortunately will become more serious as the pregnancy progresses. Again, progesterone is to blame. It slows down the digestive processes in your body and you will only understand what this means.
If you suddenly cry in a stupid ad or shout at your loved one for no good reason, maybe you're just pregnant. Don't be strict with yourself, however, the combination of headache, constipation, nausea, bloating, chest tightness and deadly amounts of hormones is a respectable excuse to feel a little nervous, isn't it?
We have already mentioned that hormones maintain a slightly higher temperature in your body. Of course, this also happens during ovulation. If you measure your temperature daily and it is about half a degree higher for two weeks after ovulation, it may mean that you are pregnant.
We will probably surprise you now, but yes, you may have nose problems from the beginning. It may bleed due to the greater amount of blood circulating in the capillaries and sometimes bursting them. In addition, estrogen dilates blood vessels, which further swells the nasal mucosa and can prevent you from breathing normally. If this situation does not tolerate you, use a spray with saline solution, which will help you to some extent.
Of course, you don't have to experience all of these symptoms at once, you may not even have any of them. Some of them are so everyday that it is no wonder that they do not mean that you are expecting a baby or that you do not associate them with pregnancy. But if you are trying to conceive, listen to them. They can help you know the good news from the beginning.;u=44827;area=summary;u=44827